Coaches Information (Silver Springs Soccer)

Coach List

Coach Information Package



It is important for the coaches to remind players and parents to dress appropriately for the weather. It is fine for players to wear long pants or coats (sweatshirts), but make sure the team jersey is the outermost layer of clothing.

If you do need to call the game due to inclement weather, please use these guidelines:

  • Responsibility to call the game lies with the coach, please talk to the coach of the opposing team
  • Call the game if there is snow or standing water on the field
  • Don’t call the game too early, don’t call the game earlier than 45 minutes prior to the game
  • Call off all games at zero degrees Celsius or less
  • Call off games at coaches discretion at 5 degrees Celsius or less, especially depending on wind chill 
  • If the AQHI is “3” or below, continue training as normal
  • If the AQHI is “4-6”, adjust practice by doing the following:
    • Reduce intensity
    • Reduce the duration
    • Provide extra water breaks and resting periods
  • If the AQHI is “7” or above, practices should be rescheduled